Aqueous Cleaners FW

“Cleaning and Rinsing”

Our aqueous cleaning agent range is extensive, encompassing acidic, neutral, and alkaline cleaning concentrates alike. The principle for these is “cleaning and rinsing”. A cleaning concentrate dissolves the dirt and must be rinsed off to obtain clean parts, based on the same principle as a shower. A basic cleaner (builder) and an additive (surfactant) are typically used. Oils and greases are effectively dissolved by surfactants, while the basic cleaner dissolves and removes any particles, salts, and other types of contamination.
The dual-component system permits effective and economic dispensing of cleaning agents into the system, adjusted to the contamination at hand.

Of course we also offer complete cleaners for easy handling.

Advantages of our aqueous cleaners

  • Highly concentrated, low consumption
  • Long service lives
  • Excellent cleaning results, customised regeneration
  • Safe and environmentally conscious

The vapic FW aqueous cleaners

Product responsibility is essential in our vapic FW products.
We make sure that our products meet high safety and quality standards.
We have developed simple and quick methods to determine the concentration of our cleaning agents and will gladly provide instructions to you. We have developed customised recipes for our customers’ applications before.

We will gladly send you a suitable free sample on request.